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10 September 2008

WorldSkills Leaders' Forum is Out of This World!

WorldSkills International President Jack Dusseldorp and Astronaut Marcos C Pontes


Austria’s finest industry, government and educational experts joined with Brazilian astronaut, Marcos C Pontes to inspire representatives from 43 countries and regions at the WorldSkills Leaders' Forum 2008 in Vienna. With experience spanning Europe and Latin America (and the galaxy!) the guest speakers offered thought-provoking insight into world of youth, future and skills, and set an exciting tone for a week of intense discussions that will launch WorldSkills to the next level.

Following inspirational presentations from representatives of Austria’s Federal Economic Chamber, Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour and industry giants IKEA and W&H Dentalwerk Burmoos, WorldSkills Leaders engaged in further discussion about the future of youth in training and work during an open panel session.

In closing the morning’s high energy discussions, WorldSkills International President Jack Dusseldorp recognised Marcos C Pontes' outstanding achievements and welcomed him to the WorldSkills Family as the organisation's first ever Global Skills Ambassador.