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21 April 2008

What was the impact of the 39th WorldSkills Competition in Japan?


ISF_1.jpgMore than 41,000 primary, junior and senior high school students and 23,000 students from Shizuoka prefecture had the opportunity to experience first hand knowledge of so many professional skills. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the students to find out about so many skills and trades in one location. The WorldSkills Competition improved the image of vocational training, skills and trades through committed Competitors and Experts.

The WorldSkills Competition in Shizuoka provided activities and exchange for international friendship, by making the Competitors Village a reality and by providing the unique ‘One School One Country' program.  WSC2007 was the most magnificent event ever held in Shizuoka, considering the time duration and the number of participants and visitors. Hotels and facilities in Shizuoka implemented Universal Design for accessible, comfortable and safe use by everyone. 

The media encouraged the public awareness by highlighting the young Champions and their professional skills. National media (NHK) broadcasted the profile of the 39th WorldSkills Competition in a 60 minute special TV program in December 2007 and another 90 minute live TV program on the ‘Coming of Age Day', January 14 2008. It was an eye opener for the young public and it also reached out to business people. Shizuoka Prefecture and its surrounding cities have become well known in the whole world.

For more information please contact: Mitsy Kawakami, JOCISF

39th WorldSkills Competition - Shizuoka, Japan 2007 - Final Report:

WSC2007 Final Report EN Final Report EN, DE, FR, JP
WSC2007 Final Report Video Highlights Video Highlights