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20 February 2009

Pass the Passion Please

WorldSkills Calgary 2009 invites media to come and witness an evening of food, fun and demonstration between a student from SAIT Polytechnic and a Team Canada Competitor. Watch as the two competitors display their extraordinary talent and passion for food while Iron Chef David Adjey provides the color commentary.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009 6:00 PM
Divino Wine & Cheese Bistro - Spirits Room
113 8th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Media interested in attending this event, please RSVP by Friday, February 27, 2009 to Sarah Doerksen Ph. +1 403 210-4232


  WorldSkills Calgary 2009 gratefully acknowledges the participation of the two
Competitors and the support of SAIT Polytechnic and Skills Compétences Canada.