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27 May 2011

Global Skills Marketplace Call to Action - Deadline for Proposals Extended!

wspe2011.jpgBy Michelle Turpin, WorldSkills Premiere Experience Manager

The Global Skills Marketplace (GSM) will offer internationally themed seminars relating to skills development and training, skills policy and practice, emerging technologies, the new global workforce and international best practices. These sessions will allow participants to learn and share best practices, ask questions and network with others. The Global Skills Marketplace will be held on Friday 7 October 2011.

How can you contribute?

  • Do you have inspirational WorldSkills Champions* who would share their stories? (*A WorldSkills Champion is anyone who has competed at a WorldSkills Competition regardless of their medal standing.)
  • Do you have innovative ways of delivering training that you wish to share with industry and educational leaders across the globe?
  • Has a government programme or business developed a training and development initiative that addresses the importance of skills development?
  • Do you know an organisation that is working with the new global workforce and has a unique way of enhancing this generation of mobile, technologically advanced and ever changing young professionals?
  • Do you know an organisation that is creating leading edge and emerging technology that will make the skills world more sustainable, environmental conscience or productive?

The GSM provides the opportunity for leaders from industry, government and education to gather and address global skills issues, to network and to share best practices. These best practices must be shared so benefits can be realised in regions across the world.

If you are interested in proposing a workshop for the GSM, please indicate your interest by filling out the form:

WorldSkills International and WorldSkills London 2011 invite all interested groups to complete the proposal form by 2 July 2011. A committee will review all proposals and will inform those chosen to present at the GSM by the middle-end of July, 2011. GSM workshops will be 50 minute sessions, ideally 20-30 minutes of presenting followed by interactive discussions on the topic. Please consider sharing your stories with the wider WorldSkills community.

For more information, please contact Michelle Turpin -